Her Creative Hustle

205 - Quick Tips with Fanny Lumsden

Episode Summary

Earlier this month, ELSKA chatted with award-winning Aussie country music queen Fanny Lumsden [Ep#03]. This week, Fanny is back with some quick tips on how she pushes through creative blocks and stays creatively motivated - sharing the importance of paying attention and sticking to your guns.

Episode Notes

Earlier this month, ELSKA chatted with award-winning Aussie country music queen Fanny Lumsden [Ep#03]. This week, Fanny is back with some quick tips on how she pushes through creative blocks and stays creatively motivated - sharing the importance of paying attention and sticking to your guns.

WEB: fannylumsden.net
SPOTIFY: Fanny Lumsden
IG: @fannylumsden
FB: @fannylumsdenmusic
YT: youtube.com/FannyLumsden

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This episode of Her Creative Hustle is proudly brought to you by my beautiful Patreon family! If you would like early access to future Her Creative Hustle episodes (and a buncha other super coooool creative things), head straight over to patreon.com/elska and become a member of my Patreon - and you too can enjoy all the glittery perks of being part of my creative fam!

MUSIC by me!

WEB: elskamusic.com
IG: @elskamusic
FB: @elskasmusic
FB: @HerCreativeHustlePodcast
YT: youtube.com/elskamusic